Myofunctional Partners
​Your Partners in Oral Function & Facial Development
(424) 835-2759
Explore these answers to your questions about your myofunctional therapy experience.
Do you take insurance?
We will give you a completed super bill that you send to your medical insurance company and they will reimburse you as they see fit. For lactation care we are contracted with TLN.
Do you offer payment plans or discounts?
Yes! Family discounts and pre-payment discounts are available. We have monthly payment arrangements that will allow you to proceed with treatment.
I’ve never done myofunctional therapy. How does the process work?
The first step is having a complimentary phone consultation with us, which takes about 30 minutes. We will discuss together your concerns, goals, and possible solutions. If we decide that treatment with a myofunctional therapist is recommended, we will see you for an initial exam. This exam takes about 60 minutes and gives us baseline information. We will go over a detailed medical and dental history, evaluate your oral and facial muscle function, your posture, your breathing, chewing and swallowing. We may also take a few photos, videos, and measurements for diagnostics. Your therapist will formulate a treatment plan based on this information and will discuss with you her recommendations. A detailed report will be available for all involved health professionals.
Your subsequent appointments will take about 30 minutes with your therapist learning techniques that target certain problem areas in your muscle function. We usually see you weekly at first, then taper off appointments as you progress through the treatment. We will follow your function for about a year, tailoring your care as needed. At the end of your treatment, we will spend an hour with you to retake your photos, videos, and measurements and to update your medical and dental history. You and your therapist will compare before and after photos and marvel at your progress.
It’s very much like learning to play an instrument. Your therapist is your teacher and you have to practice at home. The recital, where you can show off what you’ve learned, is the re-evaluation appointment at the end of your therapy. We’ll have you playing Rachmaninov in no time!
How long does the myofunctional therapy process take?
It depends on your individual needs and compliance. For adults, treatment usually lasts one year. This will be established at your consultation appointment. Most people notice a difference in the first month of treatment, but it’s important to treat other muscle groups you may not realize need help. Our goals are to train the muscles to do their intended job, but also to work in harmony with surrounding muscles. Treatment for a year will also help establish muscle memory, just like playing an instrument. Keep this rule of thumb in mind- the longer your muscles have been incorrectly functioning, the longer it will take to re-pattern them.
How does the Buteyko Breathing class work?
Buteyko is a five week commitment. We do not offer Buteyko for less than a five week commitment, as it takes the brain about six weeks to relearn proper breathing. You will not benefit from one or two sessions of Buteyko.
We offer two options:
Group classes are offered once weekly for five weeks. We offer advice and support for six months after you complete the group lessons.
Private lessons are offered at your convenience. We will meet for five lessons, one each week. Again, advice and support are included for six months following completion of your instruction.
You can expect to learn healthier breathing and the physiology of why it works. Each class lasts about 45 minutes. All course materials are included in the cost.
The cost for all five weeks is $400.
What ages do you see?
We see all ages and have a therapist trained in lactation education and oral rehabilitation of infants.
What other medical and dental professionals are involved in my care?
Depending on your individual needs, we may recommend you see one or more of the following practitioners: ENT, sleep physician, functional or orthotropic orthodontist, functional dentist, speech therapist, osteopathic physician, physical therapist, occupational therapist, allergist, or oral surgeon. If you have an infant or toddler needing treatment, we will refer you to a pediatric functional dentist, IBCLC or lactation consultant, ENT, occupational therapist, or speech therapist trained in myofunctional therapy.
When we work together with other providers, we can address body systems that have been effected by improper breathing and muscle function. These problems usually don't stay in just one area of the body, especially when issues have not been addressed for decades.
What does myofunctional therapy cost?
Total cost of treatment varies and depends on the number of sessions necessary to treat each individuals specific needs. The initial consultation is $200 and includes the tools needed to complete therapy. Each therapy session is $150. Maximum results are usually achieved with weekly sessions for the first 2-3 months, then taper off appointments as you progress through treatment. We do offer monthly payment options.
What does habit elimination cost?
This treatment relies heavily on patient and family compliance. We work with you for 30 days. $200 at the start of treatment and $200 when the habit is gone.
What does Buteyko Breathing cost?
The total cost for five lessons is $400. All course materials are included and post-treatment support is included for six months.
We do not offer Buteyko in single lessons as it takes the brain about 6 weeks to re-learn breathing. You will not benefit from one or two Buteyko sessions.
What is your fee for teletherapy?
Our fees are the same for in-person appointments and online appointments.